School Uniform 
We are very proud of how smart our children look in their school uniform and ask parents to ensure that their children come to school wearing the correct uniform.
All uniform should be clearly labelled with the child's name.
School blazers or coats and hats or caps must be worn too and from school.
No jewellery should be worn for safety reasons, except for small stud earrings for girls.
Branded items of clothing may be purchased from Sogans, 6, Greyhound Rd, Hammersmith, London W6 8NX.
These are: blazer, cardigan, jumper, tie, hat (girls), cap (boys), scarf and outdoor PE kit. Girls also have a summer dress. Parents can purchase a reversible waterproof jacket but this is optional.
If parents experience any difficulty obtaining uniform please inform the office.
All other items can be widely purchased.
These are:
*grey trousers/ shorts, white shirt, grey socks and black shoes for boys
*grey skirt or pinafore, white blouse, grey or maroon tights in winter/ white socks in summer and black shoes for girls.
PE kit for all children is white or black plimsolls or trainers, plain black or maroon shorts and plain white t-shirt.
In winter children can wear a plain grey or maroon coat or duffle coat.
All accessories (gloves, hair bands) should be in school colours of grey or maroon.
School bags can be purchased from the school office.
Pre-loved uniform sales are held regularly and donations of school uniform which no longer fits but is in good condition are welcome.
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