Governing Board
The Governing Board is made up of a group of volunteers whose role is to work as a team to ensure that the school delivers a broad and balanced curriculum. They do this by:
• Helping plan the school’s future direction
• Making decisions about the school’s budget and staffing
• Ensuring the National curriculum is taught
• Deciding how the school can encourage pupils’ spiritual, moral and social development
• Monitoring and evaluating school performance
Governors 24-25
Governor's name |
Designation | Term of office |
Fr Nigel Woollen |
Ex-Officio |
n/a |
Mrs Karen Wyatt |
Headteacher |
Sep 2023 |
Miss Laetitia Nneke |
Foundation Governor |
01/05/22 - 31/08/26 |
Mr. Matthieu Ducharme | Foundation Governor | 16/09/19 - 14/01/23 |
Mrs Melissa Thirsk | Foundation Governor | 01/03/21- 28/02/25 |
Rev'd Paul Hewitt | Foundation Governor | 01/01/23 - 31/08/27 |
Mr Ryan Yap | Foundation Governor | 01/09/23 - 31/08/26 |
Miss Claire Browne | Staff Governor | 11/10/21-10/10/25 |
Mr. Danny Daniel | Parent Governor | 22/02/22 - 21/02/26 |
Mr. Francesco D'Aiuto | Parent Governor | 22/02/22 - 21/02/26 |
LA Governor |
Governor's Roles and Committee membership for 2024-25
Chair of Governors | Rev'd Paul Hewitt |
Vice-Chair | TBC |
Learning and Achievement Committee |
Mrs Karen Wyatt Miss Claire Browne Mr Ryan Yap |
Resources Committee |
Mr. Ryan Yap |
Admissions Committee |
Mrs. Melissa Thirsk |
Governor Attendance Register
2023 - 2024 Register
2022 - 2023 Register
Social Wall